Wednesday, August 24, 2016

1st day back to school

Our summer vacation is officially over. :( My little girl had her 1st day of 2nd grade today. She was so excited to actually get there this morning that we had to leave even earlier than we'd planned! We did get the customary 1st day of school picture.

When we were walking back to the car, one of her classmates and his mom were coming down the hill. I hadn't seen her in a little over 4 weeks, at another classmates birthday party. The first words out of her mouth were, "Girl, you're looking good! You're wasting away to nothin'!" Now while that is a little bit of an exaggeration, it did sort of make my day a little bit. We're 2/3rds of the way done with the Couch to 5K program and we've all been working hard at it. Today I tried on a pair of jeans that just 2 weeks ago wouldn't even come close to fitting. Now they do, but they don't stretch at all. So they give me a muffin top. BUT I suspect in a couple more weeks that won't be the case. I can see in my face that it's significantly slimmer, too.

After we dropped her off, we went for some breakfast then to the bank to get paperwork the loan company needed. We went to drop it off with our agent but she wasn't scheduled to be in until 10. So, we grabbed the keys and went to check out our new home again. The other half didn't think we'd stay long enough to wait for her. I proved him wrong! We did insane things we hadn't done before. Like counting all the outlets in the kitchen (there are 7!). About 5 minutes before the agent was due in, we heard a knock on the door and then the key in the lock. It was her walking over to see us. Which gave me the opportunity to show her the 3 tiny dings that need fixed. She told us to expect more by the time it's set up and they'd get them all fixed. They don't get paid until we do a final walk through and sign off on everything.

I'm hoping tomorrow to make a huge dent in the packing. Since I'll have the house to myself from the time LA's dropped off until I have to leave to pick her up. I'll tell you though, I'm missing my books and witchy stuff pretty badly. It was some of the first to be packed and now I'm regretting that decision. I know it had to be done but just, ugh!

Anyway, it's getting late and I'm tired. The 6 a.m. wake up this morning was a rude one. I'll be back in the swing of things in a week or so. I do have some ideas brewing for the blog. I just need time to implement them. I need a clone...or 24 more hours in a day, whichever, I'm not picky. No? Well then this witchy's off to bed!

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