Saturday, August 20, 2016

Finding my way back

Who I am is such a vast chasm of details that it would take me forever to do such a question justice. If you choose to follow the blog, in due time you'll learn much of that (what I'm willing to reveal anyway).

It feels like forever since I've allowed myself to step back, take a breath and look at everything around me. To be able to take it all in, process it and let anything go that I don't need to hang on to is a bit of a luxury right now. 5 weeks ago, my 1st grandchild was born so I'm now a Mimi. The day after he was born, we found out that we were approved for a home loan. Which began a whirlwind of cleaning, sorting and packing. It's amazing how much stuff one can acquire in a few years time! I'm posting just a few pictures, I didn't realize we didn't have a good one of the living room. Doh!

On top of all of this, one of my oldest and dearest friends is getting married on Halloween. Which meant doing her invitations, CDs for the music and all the other million things that come from planning a wedding. You guessed it, it's a wedding off a different breed. ;) We also took up running about 6 weeks ago, in preparation for a 5k in October. With my daughter starting back to school next week, I should finally be able to breathe a little.

To add to all of this though, I'm being called to educate again. Every day new witches come to the fold and don't have any idea where to even start. So in this blog, you're going to find a mix of everything.  I started working several months ago on some herbalist-centric materials. I've obviously had to put that all on the back burner for a bit. Seeing as all my herbs are now packed up and my books are slowly joining them. So, for now, I'll be sharing my knowledge and answering any questions you might have for me.

I will say this much before I get back to the million other things that need my attention. Never allow anyone to tell you how you should or should not practice. Only you can truly know your own heart. If it feels right to you, then by all means, go for it. If someone tells you that something can only be one way, run as fast and as far away as you can get. For me, personally, I hex, I curse, I heal, I conjure, I guide, I nurture and everything in between. I am not Wiccan, that isn't my path. If you are, then that's between you and your deities, I have no right to tell you if it's right or wrong. My son follows the path of Asataru because it's the path that feels like home to him. The path I follow? It would take me the rest of the day to explain. Just be you, find your happy, your safe, your center. Find the things you're most passionate about and live them!

Go out and find some beauty around you!

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