Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Autumn, the closing of chapters and Samhain!!

Be spiderwebbed and glazed in frost
She wears death beautifully
More stunning now than in her life
On a bed of autumn leaves

 My favorite time of year has arrived and I'm glad of it! The days of 90+ temps have given way to lower to mid 70's in the day and 50-60 at night. That was a long, long, LONG hot summer and I'm glad to be rid of it. Which means that now, introspection has begun for me. I know, beyond all doubt, that I can only control myself, but I'm seeing behavior from others that has me questioning a lot the last few weeks. It also means that Type O Negative is on almost constantly when I have music playing. It also means that every time I put makeup on, I'm reaching for my Notoriously Morbid Bunt Flowers Fallen/Drab Four shades.

So something has happened more than once that I feel the need to address. I make no secret of the fact I'm a witch. Pretty much everyone that knows me knows this about me. I don't expect everyone to understand it, however, if I don't send you witchy messages personally I expect you to afford me the same courtesy. If I show you that much respect then you should show me the same, right? Right. So consider this, the next time you send out Jesus chain letters and you send it directly to my inbox, I'm going to call you out on it. Don't say you respect/understand and then show me how much you actually DON'T by sending me preachy chain letters. It does nothing for your cause (not that chain letters achieve anything, anyway) and only serves to make me question your motives. I don't proselytize at you, don't do it to me. If you do, then our friendship means absolutely zilch to you. Also, if I spend hours doing something you've asked of me and you then disregard it, don't expect me to do further things for you. My time is better spent watching paint dry or grass grow.

This years Raqs Synister is in the books and I'm still not sure exactly how I feel. Make no mistake, Classic Horror was the best RS to date. Everyone was phenomenal, from what I saw through the little curtain crack in the corner. For me personally, it was a big night. It was my final performance on stage. I think I did Baba Yaga proud, for she has now stopped being so insistent. So here's to the closing of chapters and writing of new ones! There are never any candid pictures of me at any event, so that our ticket taker took the time to snap one of my beloved and I was really awesome. Thanks B!

Samhain is on the horizon and I have already witnessed the thinning of the veil. Which is rather exciting for me. I'll be performing a small ritual the night of the 31st as we head into the new year. It's more about reflection and symbolism for me but it's such an important day in my practice. I shed the last vestiges of the old and usher in the new. November 1st will see many, many things begin for me and mine.

House stuff is still coming along. They came and did the survey on Thursday. Then yesterday the new maps were drawn. So we're moving steadily forward! My little one also had her 1st day at the brand new school buildings yesterday. Last year and the 1st month of this year, SRCA was in a temporary location. Now we have a beautiful new school and we're all so incredibly proud of where we are. I'm also in the process of discovery for implementing a meditation program at our school!

Anyway, some targeted blog posts are coming. Chaos has died down so I can now focus on some projects that had to sit by the wayside for a while. I hope October brings you as much joy as it always brings me!

Till next time,

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