Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Heed the call!

The dark Goddess has begun to rise. What I mean by this, is with the current state of the world, many of us are taking up the mantle of warriors of justice. After all, isn't that what the dark feminine archetype really is? Throughout history, women have brought about more change than we've been given credit.

I'm watching more and more women stand up and say enough. We aren't property. We aren't here for your amusement. We are flesh, blood and bone, just as men are. For too long, we've been victims of misogyny and, quite frankly, we're fucking sick of it. I've seen a push back happening for quite some time. In the last 2 months it's become almost a tidal wave. Which results in a whole lot of name calling.

If demanding to be an equal makes me a bitch, so be it. If saying no to you makes me a slut or a whore when you don't get your way (Yes, I've seen this, a LOT) then that's what I will be. If fighting back against rape culture makes me a Fem-Nazi, then I'll wear that label with pride. Generations before me may have been complacent, but that doesn't mean I have to be. Nor does it mean any other woman on the planet has to submit to your whims.

Many women are returning to their wild roots. Call it whatever you like, witchcraft, warrior, wild woman, ultimately it's all the same. There is a spirit inside women that can not be tamed. Or at least, it should never have been tamed. All over the world, women are waking to their power. We're standing beside our sisters and speaking out against the actions which harm us mentally, physically and emotionally. The beauty of it all? We're being heard by something much more profound than we ever imagined.

A dear sister of mine told me less than a month ago that she was feeling a huge disconnect with her spirituality. You can look around at the state of things and it becomes clear why she was feeling that way. For all the steps forward women have made, a large sect of our country wanted us to take a huge step back. To strip women of all the gains we've fought and died to win. I gave her some advice, because that's what I do. My calling is, and always has been, to help others heal. I know many of us have felt broken the last couple of months. Fighting a never ending battle. She informed me yesterday that during her nightly meditation (something I encourage all of us to practice) that Kali came to her. Kali doesn't just show up for shits and giggles. I know what *I* think it means, but as that interaction is between my friend and the Dark Mother, I won't dare attempt to explain her truths.

We call that darker archetype by many names. For me, she's The Morrigan. For others she may be Hecate, Freya, Persephone, Gaia, or a hundred other names. Don't think a "mother" deity can be of this archetype? Think again. Mother's will protect with a fierceness than can make even the strongest and bravest run away in terror. Some, don't call it anything at all. It's just an innate desire to fight for justice and equality for every human on the planet.

A definite shift is happening in the world. I have been pulled in a direction that I have fought against for quite some time. Yet, once I accepted that it's what I should be doing, I felt a calm come over me that I haven't felt in many years. It's time we all embrace the wild witch within us. Working with the light, the dark, and every shade in between, we can move mountains. This may be new, uncharted waters for you. It was for me over 2 decades ago. If you need help, recommendations, or just someone to hear you, come over to Raven Witchery. In times of great strife, we must pull together. The Dark Feminine is rising and we are legion.

I leave you with one of my favorite Therion tracks. Now go, embrace the dark feminine. Your sisters are waiting!